As graduation approaches and I reflect over how I have evolved as an artist I recognize that I have accomplished what I have wanted. Not in its entirety however the goal was to get a concept going. To not just point and shoot and be satisfied with the "happy accidents". I have realized that my interest in fashion are extremely prevalent in the work I do. The interest has become so profound that I find myself concerned as whether or not I will be viewed as an artist or fashion designer. Or in more depth a photographer versus a fashion photographer. After all the designers I have studied or come across Alexandar McQueen is the first artist I say projects what in my mind the type of "artist" I want to be. Photography may be my concentration and still a passion for me however it is not only in the artistic aesthetic that I enjoy photography but to stop a moment of what the eye would normally would see to be surreal simply to prove that it did occur is the direction I am going with my work. At the moment sculpture is an area that I am beginning to wonder why I did not make it a concentration however, this is where Alexandar McQueen's work really inspires me. He is a British fashion designer who has created collections so unconventional that even the fashion world questioned his extravagance. The way his dresses are presented are so theatrical the entire presentation becomes an art of mixed media. This is a great link on youtube of a performance which is where I really feel he broke through the line of fashion is not art!