Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Apryl Corbin Praxinoscope 10/21/09

While shooting my "study of wind" series, I found that I got stuck because I did not feel like I could capture the movement without doing a flip book. Libby brought to my attention praxinoscopes. I decided to check some out online and i stumbled across this crazy guy from the UK, his name is David Wilson. He does more animated stuff, but his humor just keeps you going back for more. This series is called David Wilson's Beard and it just made me laugh.

Anyhow, this was just a jumping off point for me to get the feel of how a praxinoscope works and the kind of images you can capture through them. I understand that I'm working with sequence and narrative again...but my friends, that's the way the cookie crumbles!!


  1. Ok, that guy is an oddball...I am looking forward to your analysis of how the use of imagery in a sequence in this way will be the best way to portray the essence of the wind.

  2. Cool i think it was kind of amaizing self creation or just etc. Thing thanks for shearing
