So last year when I was in Berlin I found this gallery called the 'Abnormals Gallery' and the had these video installation down in their basement of this photographers work and I thought it was interesting and it didn't do much beyond that. Yesterday I received an email from the about that same artist and this time he is having an exhibition of his still photographs.

The image above embodies what most of his work feels like a live person in a room that looks dead. He is from Warsaw, Poland and he said that the models are carefully selected and are portrayed in a state of utter vulnerability, he also states that he was trying to convey a very ambiguous gender role. They are really very minimalist and that is interesting but they didn't blow me away until I saw the image with the blown up white doctor gloves. This image just reminded me of when I used to have to go to the dentist and he used to blow the gloves up and the always reminded me of cow udders and I always used to look forward to the dentist because of this just odd little thing. So while the images don't say amazing genius to me this one made me smile

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