Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Ana Cantu reviews Davey Johnson

Pictures of fireworks are very much overused and tired. They just some pretty designs usually in the night sky. The difference with the usual photographs of any fireworks is that they are usually taken with a short exposure, in the case of Davey Johnson he has taken them with really long exposures, so that most of his photographs of fireworks do not look like fireworks.
The fireworks shown look more like part of nature, like flowers or something. In other cases they look less like explosions and more like candy because of the sense of mass that the slow exposure gives them, and also for the bright colors normally found in candy stores.
Yes, the pictures are different than other fireworks taken over the years, but is it enough to make them interesting and noteworthy? Well, maybe for a while, for they are pretty pictures of the night sky and a pretty fireworks show, but they are still just fireworks. The colorfulness and the brightness makes them appealing and it draws your eye, but after some time there isn’t any thing else to look at.

The ones of the collection that make better photographs are the ones that lose the trace of fireworks and just became some kind of weird colorful lighted blob mass.


  1. "The colorfulness and the brightness makes them appealing and it draws your eye, but after some time there isn’t any thing else to look at."
    You have to look at it for a few minutes to see the unicorn, you must be new to magic eye photos......

  2. And an oil drum is just an oil drum, but it can be a fantastic picture if done properly. After any given amount of time you will stop having something to look at in a photograph.

    These may be 'just pictures of fireworks', but they are beautiful and unique.
    If you're going to try and disparage them, please find a better way to explain yourself, or something better to compare them to than 'or something'.

    I'm not saying they're the best pictures in the world, but they certainly deserve more respect than your review has given them, if at least to give a better or more eloquent reasoning for dismissing them.

  3. Pictures of fireworks are very much overused and are my lady parts
