Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Jennifer Wall reviews Carlo Bernardini

Carlo Bernardini

Carlo Bernardini, an Italian born artist who lives and works in Milan and Rome, uses stainless steel and optic fibers as his primary elements to create his abstract installations.  He bases his designs on rhomboidal and triangular forms to form "architectural minded sections of light."  The viewer of his pieces can enter and illusory space and experience the installation from within and without.  Bernardini says that he "draws a mental space as if it were a drawing done with white pastel on a dark sheet."

In an interview with Silvia Scaravaggi for Digicult, a digital art and design website, Bernardini had an interesting take on "new media" and technology:

In my opinion, we should work with technology supporting discoveries. It is not as in painting or in sculpture where the artist’s talent is evident by his technical skills. Technology is seen as an idea, so if you use the same idea as that of another artist you run the risk of being recognized as an imitator. But if you use a different medium, which is not clichéd by the art languages, then you are acclaimed. Or at least, they will know you for your own style, that nobody can infringe. You don’t descend from another artist before you.

As time marches on, it becomes more difficult for artists to come up with something that no one has done before.  Incorporating new technology into their work can give them new and innovative ways of expressing themselves.

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