Friday, August 15, 2014

Jennifer Wall reviews Jacob Hashimoto

Nohoko Kojima is a contemporary paper cut artist who treats paper cuts as sculpture.  Her "one-off" designs are never duplicated as she states that she never wants to cut the same thing twice. Kojima's paper cuts are very labor intensive and if one mistake is made, there is no way to repair it, making an extremely stressful work as well. She uses blades that are one half the thickness of normal blades and replaces them every three minutes, which also makes this a costly form of art as well. 

In 2013, Kojima was awarded the Jerwood Maker Open commission. She exhibited a 10 foot swimming polar bear titled Byaku, which means "white" in Japanese. The life-size paper sculpture which took seven months to complete, was cut from a single of white Japanese washi paper that was first crumpled by hand to give the paper an uneven texture and a more faceted form.  Suspended from the celling, viewers could interact with the piece by walking in and under it. 

While some of Kojima's work is three dimensional, she also displays her work in a two dimensional fashion like a painting in a frame.  In her piece titled Chandelier, she layers sheets of black and red cut paper to create a unique and interesting

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