Sunday, August 10, 2014

05 Gio Aguilar - Jackson Pollock

Jackson Pollock may have led the way for the abstract expressionism movement with his pouring style technique, but I believe that graffiti artists may have looked into Pollock’s works as well.  When I say graffiti artists I mean actual professionals that make real street art.  To the majority, graffiti is viewed as vandalism, dirty, and somewhat related to thug life.  These days anything can be seen as an art form, and that includes graffiti.  When you look at Pollock’s paintings such as the Number One, and the Convergence, all the drips, the pouring, and the color are intentional.  Pollock would sometimes pour the paint gently, and sometimes he would pour it aggressively.  That is no different than how the graffiti artists do when they make their artworks.  

When I look at Jackson Pollock’s paintings, most of his paintings remind me of graffiti artworks.  The painting that closely resembles to a graffiti artwork is his painting, the Pasiphae.  When I see the Pasiphae, I can imagine the painting being on a concrete wall.  The abstract line movements, and shapes look like they want to spell out a word, or a phrase, and that is what most graffiti artworks are.  Most graffiti artworks are just words and phrases, but are tagged out in abstract form similar to Pollock’s abstract style.  Graffiti can be another form of abstract expressionism, but from expressionists coming from the streets. These are two different art forms, but two similar styles, and I believe that one did help influence the other.   


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