Friday, November 24, 2017

Hannah Rosales Reviews Inez Baturo

Inez Baturo is a Polish fine art landscape photographer. She is considered a self-taught photographer. She states that her landscapes are her portraits. They represent her, not just the outer world.

Her artist statement is: “There is enough horror, human stupidity, violence, indifference in the surrounding world (…) I do not want to multiply that in images. Nature may be an escape."

Her photographs give insight into emotions above details, the measure of sensibility and the art of seeing. Kindness and freedom are aspects Baturo sees in nature that many other people do not see. Like ancient times, she longs to see this view of landscape return. 

In her conceptual and technical process, she captures photographs with film dias and has the image in her mind of what she wants to photograph beforehand. Color is a very important aspect to Baturo. She describes it as being "subtle, delicate, monochromatic, as if extraterrestrial." She also explains that the details in her photographs resemble our dreams. 

Both photographs I will be comparing are of similar landscapes. Both include mountains, however, one photograph includes trees and the sun shining in the corner, while the other does not. The fog in both photographs give off a surreal and mysterious feel, more so the one of just the mountains. The way the composition is laid out in the photograph of just the mountains, unveils a majestic feel. The other photograph has a majestic feel to it too, it is just not as prominent. 

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