Tuesday, December 12, 2017

REB reviews Haley Morris-Cafiero

Haley Morris Cafiero series Wait Watchers was created on accident, while she was photographing herself in public places to get her out of her comfort zone, she soon realized her in stills that people reacted to her presence, some would sneer and stare. She then started to capture stranger’s reactions to her body and she did it purposefully. Cafiero takes her photos in high volume locations and the rate with which Cafiero succeeds at documenting onlooker's obvious disdain of her body seems disheartening but in truth she finds it inspiring to turn the camera back onto the spectators. Her process is setting up a camera and record people as they pass by her while either she is sitting in Time Square or she is putting sun block at a beach, she is engaging the discussion of body acceptance and ideal beauty standards that are unrealistic and unwanted by many people.

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