I find that many people interested in photographers and sometimes even photographers themselves often say that they enjoy the art of making photos because of the essence of making a single moment last forever. I have to say that I love photography for this as well, but the deeper I find myself involved in my work and the work of others, the more I realize that this notion is yet another cliché and gives no personal reason to one's love of photography. I chose to blog about Ryan McGinley because I feel that his photographs, specifically from his project "I Know Where the Summer Goes", grasp onto not only an instantaneous moment but continue to capture an era of livlihood and youthfulness. At the beginning of the semester, Libby mentioned that if we fail to support the sliver of time in our photography with the seconds right before and directly after, we stand the chance of that photo falling flat and becming insignificant. To me, McGinley's body of work is opne of the best examples I have found of this ability to tell a story and string together a series of moments to cement a period of time that we all can recall, a period of ecstasy and carefree joy.

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