Saturday, September 26, 2009

Apryl Corbin 9/25 Paul Preece

To kick off my weekend I decided to go to Barnes and Noble's to look at the new books and magazines to see what some of the photographers are shooting and doing these days. I came across many amazing photographs, but the one that caught my eye was a series of photos by Paul Preece. He had taken some photos of the city when it was raining.
Instead of seeing your normal everyday rain spots with figures behind them, you could see blurry images that just kept you looking at the photographs. The images were blurry because of the rain but there was still enough information to know what was going on in the picture. It was a sort of distortion that didn't bother me. Preece took a picture that would have been boring and lifeless and added some oomph. Preece also made a point to blur the images with a purpose. You could tell that it wasn't because he came across it on accident. It was a meaningful distortion in which his work really benefited from.

**I can not find any information on this guy on the i net so I will have to go back and get the title of the magazine I was looking at...and possibly some pictures too!!

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