Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Yvette Coronado submits Erwin Wurm

Erwin Wurm is an Austrian artist who is known for his paintings, photographs and sculptures. Wurm's work deals with relationships with everyday objects. This aesthetic can bee seen in his One Minute Sculptures, in which he asks participants to pose with every day objects
as he records them through film or photography.The participants become temporary sculpture for one minute and retain an element of humor. Wurm's humor can definitely be seen in his Instructions on How to be Politically Incorrect series. Here Wurm takes on social taboos with his sharp sense of humor and in turn leaves the viewer laughing, thinking, and wondering. As in the photo above, Inspection (2003), a man inspects under this woman's shirt in a not so discreet way. Obviously the setting is in a upscale restaurant and the woman is completely oblivious of the situation, she ignores him and continues her lunch, which would be the polite thing to do--yes? I take great delight in Wurm's humorous approach to his photography and he inspired the Red Hot Chili Peppers music video for their song, Dont Stop.
Erwin Wurm is represented at

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